Saturday, February 19, 2005
Montevideo, Sambos Gratitude...what a life
Half an hour to midnight in BsAs. Preparations are in hand for the trip to Montevideo tomorrow. Backpack is packed sambos made check the pic drool quotient is high. We set sail at 9am and arrive at 3pm I am on for the slow travel for this trip. We flew to Ushuaia last year 3000Km south in 5 hours. Water friction is a serious business. Just one book I AM THAT is with me a pair of dance shoes just in case a milonga is spotted. Spare pair of kaks and t shirt ready to emigrate and return in two days. On my return I shall have permission to stay for another 90 days in Argentina. More Tango maybe more Spanish lessons more everything. What am I doing to deserve this life what ever all I can say is endless gratitude. See you all the other side of the border crossing.